
Attachments have multiple properties

On every model object (Realty, Employee, Project) you can fetch it’s attachment with following methods


//you can add a parameter to the methods to filter by different groups

//gets all pictures regardless of the group

//gets all pictures without a group

//gets all pictures of the group TITELBILD

//gets all pictures of the group bilder360

// ...

File Urls

A list of available attachment sizes can be found here.

You can request specific sizes with the setPicturesize function.

$api = new JustimmoApi('xxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx');

$mapper  = new RealtyMapper();
$wrapper = new RealtyWrapper($mapper);

$query  = new RealtyQuery($api, $wrapper, $mapper);

// adds the requested picture sizes, listed at the link above 
$query->setPicturesize(array('big', 'big2'));

//gets an url to an attachment size, but only if the api returned that size

//gets an url to an attachment size, even if the api does not return that size. BEWARE: this method cannot ensure that the url is a valid ressource

Acquiring the links of a realty

$api = new JustimmoApi('xxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx');

$mapper  = new RealtyMapper();
$wrapper = new RealtyWrapper($mapper);

$query  = new RealtyQuery($api, $wrapper, $mapper);
$realty = $query->findPk(1234567);

/** @var \Justimmo\Model\Attachment $link */
foreach ($realty->getLinks() as $link) {

/** @var \Justimmo\Model\Attachment $attachment */
foreach ($realty->getAttachments() as $attachment) {
    if ($attachment->getType() === 'link') {

Acquiring the links of a residential project

$api = new JustimmoApi('xxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx');

$mapper  = new ProjectMapper();
$wrapper = new ProjectWrapper($mapper);

$query    = new ProjectQuery($api, $wrapper, $mapper);
$project = $query->findPk(1234567);

/** @var \Justimmo\Model\Attachment $link */
foreach ($project->getLinks() as $link) {

/** @var \Justimmo\Model\Attachment $attachment */
foreach ($project->getAttachments() as $attachment) {
    if ($attachment->getType() === 'link') {