WordPress examples

  1. Sending in E-mail
  2. With Justimmo PHP-SDK

Sending in E-mail

Sending inquiry attached to an E-mail from WordPress

It is a very simple 1 file example. You have to adjust it regarding your form, webhooks and your application.

  1. Install these packages with composer:
    $ composer require league/uri
    $ composer require league/uri-components
    $ composer require symfony/mailer
    $ composer require symfony/google-mailer
  2. Create a new file in your WP root directory called justimmo_inquiry.php with the following content:

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use League\Uri\Components\Query;
use League\Uri\UriTemplate;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Mailer;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email;

// this email address is defined by Justimmo
$feedbackEmail = 'ask-it-from-the-support@muster-justimmo.at';

// this is the folder where the logic saves the generated XML files
// if there were any issues with the sending then you can send them later again
$feedbackXMLFilesFolderPath = __DIR__ . '/../openimmo_feedbacks/';

// you need to use a WP webhook to pass the data from the Contact Form to this logic
// for example: https://musterimmo.at/justimmo_inquiry.php?realtyId=999999999&salutationId=1&title=Dr.&firstName=John&lastName=Doe&...
// get the arguments from the url that you passed through your local WP webhook - in this example we use League\Uri packages 

$template = 'https://musterimmo.at/justimmo_inquiry.php{?realtyOoId,salutation,title,firstName,lastName,email,message,phone,fax,mobile,street,zipCode,city,country,categories}';

$uriTemplate = new UriTemplate($template, []);
$uri = $uriTemplate->expand(getUrlQueryParameters());

$query = Query::createFromRFC3986($uri->getQuery(), '&');

$realtyOoId = $query->params('realtyOoId'); // it has to be the same like in Justimmo: OBGC2................
$salutation = $query->params('salutation');
$title      = $query->params('title');
$firstName  = $query->params('firstName');
$lastName   = $query->params('lastName');
$email      = $query->params('email');
$message    = $query->params('message');
$phone      = $query->params('phone');
$fax        = $query->params('fax');
$mobile     = $query->params('mobile');
$street     = $query->params('street');
$zipCode    = $query->params('zipCode');
$city       = $query->params('city');
$country    = $query->params('country');
//$categories = $query->params('categories');

// don't send the inquiry without these mandatory data!
if ($realtyId === null || $email === null || $message === null) {
    die('invalid request');

// don't forget to clean up and validate the values before you add them to the XML!

// acquire the other necessary variables from your database

$senderName   = 'Max Musterman Immobilien';
$openImmoAnid = 'ABGC2................'; // you can get it from Justimmo support
$date         = date('Y-m-d');
$tenantId     = 99999; // optional

$portalId     = 99999; // optional
$providerId   = '9999_OBGC2................';
$exposeUrl    = 'https://musterimmo.at/immobilien/999/expose';
$description  = 'Schöne Wohnung mit Potenzial';

// build the XML. It has to be a valid Openimmo feedback XML

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><openimmo_feedback/>');

$xml->addChild('version', '1.2.5');

$sender = $xml->addChild('sender');
$sender->addChild('name', $senderName);
$sender->addChild('openimmo_anid', $openImmoAnid);
$sender->addChild('datum', $date);
$sender->addChild('makler_id', $tenantId);

$object = $xml->addChild('objekt');
$object->addChild('portal_unique_id', $portalId);
$object->addChild('oobj_id', $realtyOoId);
$object->addChild('anbieter_id', $providerId);
$object->addChild('expose_url', $exposeUrl);
$object->addChild('bezeichnung', $description);

$contact = $object->addChild('interessent');
$contact->addChild('anrede', $salutation);
$contact->addChild('vorname', $firstName);
$contact->addChild('nachname', $lastName);
$contact->addChild('strasse', $street);
$contact->addChild('plz', $zipCode);
$contact->addChild('ort', $city);
$contact->addChild('email', $email);
$contact->addChild('tel', $phone);
$contact->addChild('fax', $fax);
$contact->addChild('mobil', $mobile);
$contact->addChild('anfrage', $message);

// save the XML on your server with unique naming
$feedbackFileName = date('Y-m-d-His') . '-' . $objectOpenimmoId . '.xml';
$feedbackFilePath = $feedbackXMLFilesFolderPath . $feedbackFileName;

// send the feedback attached to an email

// in this example we used Symfony Mailer: https://symfony.com/doc/current/mailer.html
$email = (new Email())
    //->cc('oi-feedbacks@musterimmo.at') // if you want to get a copy
    ->subject('Musterimmo-Anfrage an OpenImmo Objekt #' . $objectOpenimmoId)

// attach the XML

// don't forget to add the 'Envelope-to' tag to the headers!
        ->addTextHeader('Envelope-to', $feedbackEmail);

// setup the transport and the mailer

$transport = Transport::fromDsn('smtp://localhost:1025');
//$transport = Transport::fromDsn('gmail+smtp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@default');

$mailer = new Mailer($transport);



 * it is just a very simple example, and it is not secure to use it on live server!!!
 * @return array
function getUrlQueryParameters(): array
    $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

    parse_str(parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_QUERY), $queryArray);

    $queryArray = array_map('trim', $queryArray);

    return array_filter($queryArray, fn($value) => !is_null($value) && $value !== '');

The XML logic above will result an output like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <name>Max Musterman Immobilien</name>
        <bezeichnung>Schöne Wohnung mit Potenzial</bezeichnung>
            <anfrage>Ich will folgendes über das Objekt wissen..</anfrage>

and the generated email looks like this

From: noreply@musterimmo.at
To: ask-it-from-the-support@muster-justimmo.at
Subject: Musterimmo-Anfrage an OpenImmo Objekt #OBGC2................
Envelope-to: ask-it-from-the-support@muster-justimmo.at
Message-ID: <11635acb69e2ef0b00908fffc53defef@musterimmo.at>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2022 18:13:51 +0100
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=KRdavuDN

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Ich will folgendes =C3=BCber das Objekt wissen..
Content-Type: application/xml;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;


With Justimmo PHP-SDK

Sending inquiry using Justimmo PHP-SDK through local WordPress webhook

  1. Install Justimmo PHP-SDK with composer:
    $ composer require justimmo/php-sdk "1.0.*"
  2. Create a new file in your WP root directory called justimmo_inquiry.php with the following content

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use Justimmo\Request\RealtyInquiryRequest;
use Justimmo\Model\Mapper\V1\RealtyInquiryMapper;

// get the arguments from the url that you passed through your local WP webhook
// https://musterimmo.at/justimmo_inquiry.php?realtyId=999999999&salutationId=1&title=Dr.&firstName=John&lastName=Doe&...

$realtyId     = get_query_var('realtyId', null);
$salutationId = get_query_var('salutationId', '');
$title        = get_query_var('title', '');
$firstName    = get_query_var('firstName', '');
$lastName     = get_query_var('lastName', '');
$email        = get_query_var('email', null);
$message      = get_query_var('message', null);
$phone        = get_query_var('phone', '');
$street       = get_query_var('street', '');
$zipCode      = get_query_var('zipCode', '');
$city         = get_query_var('city', '');
$country      = get_query_var('country', '');
$categories   = get_query_var('categories', '');

if ($realtyId === null || $email === null || $message === null) {
    die('invalid request');

$api = new \Justimmo\Api\JustimmoApi('justimmo_export_feed_username', 'password');

$rq = new RealtyInquiryRequest($api, new RealtyInquiryMapper());